Crunch and Sip

A mid morning snack that is eaten during the first learning session of the day is seen as an opportunity to fuel your children with nutritious energy. It assists physical and mental performance in the classroom.

From the first day next year, all classes at St Andrew's primary school will be participating in the 'Crunch and Sip' program. We are all eager to start and we know that parents will understand the importance of promoting such a worthwhile program. Year 3 and 4 have already started!!

A brochure will be coming home to parents and more information can be found at 

How can parents help?
  • pack some fruit or vegetables and water for 'Crunch and Sip' time each day (around 10 am)
  • don't forget a healthy recess each day too
  • pack water each day to keep your child hydrated
    Healthy foods are grown in our school garden
    Healthy foods are grown in our school garden