Our students are ambassadors for St Andrews Primary and wear their correct uniform with pride at all times.
Wearing our school uniform helps build a sense of belonging and increases school spirit. How a student wears the uniform gives a clear message about how the student sees themselves and the school. St Andrews uniform policy outlines what is acceptable in all matters relating to our school uniform and personal presentation.

Uniform Shop
St Andrews Primary uses Oz Fashions as our uniform supplier and shop operator.
Uniforms can be ordered online at OzFashions. Parents can ring the school and request the password.
Free delivery to the school will be every Monday and Wednesday during the school term. Orders must be placed by 4pm Friday for delivery on Monday and 4pm Tuesday for delivery on Wednesday.
If you have any enquiries about uniforms, please contact Elle at elle@ozfashions.com.au or 0421 216 414.
Uniforms are available to try-on by visiting the test fitting room at the rear of the canteen. The fitting room contains uniform samples in each size for both summer and winter.